My Story
I was born in Manchester in 1967 and grew up initially in Moss Side, then Burnage finally settling in Withington when my mother, after years on the Council waiting, list finally was granted our first. home. She was the daughter of my Irish born grandmother and English grandfather. My father left at an early age abandoning two sons and a wife. He too was abandoned by his parents a black American and mother of Jewish ancestry.

Through a positive, determined belief, inculcated by my mother and grandparents, I was never held back by the difficulties of life positioned by birth or determined to be defined by it. I prospered by their advice that hard work, determination and simply being true to yourself will guide you through life.
People matter. Policies matter. Politics matters. Family and friends matter more. I am very lucky to have a wide supportive family of mother, brothers and sister, my partner and daughter. They are all key to me. My over loves are gardening, cooking, writing and occasionally dancing.
In 2007, I became interested again in politics, particular the impact on the freedom of people to elect politicians on mandates that were set out by what they do and they must do it. In my opinion this peoples mandate had been eroded by our membership of the European Union and that our own British politicians were disguising this.
So in 2010 I joined the UK Independence Party (UKIP), the only party then campaigning for the British people to have a referendum on our membership of that political organisation. I served the party as a front bench Spokesman in three roles of City of London Spokesman, Financial Affairs and also the key immigration portfolio as Migration Spokesman for 2 years. I was elected to the NEC, Policy Team and in 2014 elected as a Member of the European Parliament for the North West of England.
In October 2016, I resigned my membership and sit as an Independent MEP and have remained an Independent since then.
During the momentous 2016 United Kingdom Referendum on leaving the European Union I fortunately played a key role in the debate, and in particular, helped lead the debate on the crucial issue of Immigration and sovereignty.
I campaigned across the country speaking in over 30 towns and cities with Vote Leave, Leave.Eu & Grassroots Out. During the campaign I made hundreds of speeches, debating political opponents on TV and radio, knocking on doors, battle buses and high street campaigning I was always excited and enthused by the energy the referendum brought to ordinary people being given their chance to voice their opinions after 40 years. I knew our Leave side would win, because the people wanted it.
I have founded the think tank the Centre for Migration and Economic Prosperity, CMEP, to continue arguing for a positive view of immigration that is open and welcoming but considers the need of the nation states inhabitants through sensible controlled immigration policies. Please support this campaign and visit us on